Internet port for emails

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Internet port for emails

Postby Jacekiwi » Mar 13 21 11:20 am

Is it possible for emails (e.g. Outlook 365) to connect through certain Internet port? I have 2 WAN ports in the proxy server. Currently I can intercept IMAP and SMTP server ports but not distinguish the host (e.g. So for proxy service 0, I intercept ports 993 and 465. This proxy service uses gateway:Any available connection. I've added proxy service 1 that has gateway:Ethernet 2, any gateway and a proxy script that forces certain http/https traffic to use the first port only. This works for the web pages (e.g. but not email client.

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Re: Internet port for emails

Postby adrien » Mar 14 21 4:12 pm


What kind of proxy are you intercepting the mail ports to? Your best bet (if all you want to do is specify a gateway) is to intercept to a TCP mapping proxy. In that case don't set up any default or per-IP mappings, in which case the proxy will connect to where the original intercepted connection was going.


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