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PDC on Machine other than WinGate

Oct 30 03 3:54 am


I tried to use the user-database from a PDC to autheticate Wingate-Users.
I'm using version 4.5 professional unlimited users over a XP-platform
I added to the registry
a new string value called: DomainServer
and set this value to the name of the domain controller ( \\CSM_Server )

This brought me the users of the NT-network instantly but the day after nobody could access the internet through Wingate and I wasn't able to access through Gatekeeper, with neither account.

What are we missing?



Oct 30 03 1:27 pm

I recently did this and found that I had not installed the wingate client on my pdc the win 2k with wingate server could not use the pdc to authenticate with out it. nt domain wingate on worstaion

Oct 30 03 3:53 pm

Which OS is the PDC running on?! NT?!

Were there any particular policies set up that were relying on wingate usernames / passwords?!


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