Filter Log Results

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Filter Log Results

Postby gwood » Apr 26 24 2:52 am

Is there any way to filter the results of a www Proxy log? Specifically, I am trying to see the entries in the log for a specific user. There are 308,000 entries in thelog for one day and need to get the entries for one user's browsing activity only; looking through that many entries one at a time is not feasible.
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Re: Filter Log Results

Postby adrien » Apr 26 24 7:53 pm


You can use search (Ctrl-F) with Wrap Search, and Find all matches both checked. This will search a whole file, and select every row including the match data. You can then right-click on a selected row, and choose "Copy selected rows" and paste into notepad or similar.


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Re: Filter Log Results

Postby gwood » Apr 27 24 1:00 am

That worked! Thanks for your help.
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Joined: Sep 13 22 10:28 am
Location: Canada

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