Rotating/Failover multiple connections

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Rotating/Failover multiple connections

Postby Ekkas » May 10 05 9:05 am

Hello everybody...
I've got two connections, a Sattelite and an ADSL, both 512/256k
The sattelite have slow ping times but the throughput is good, the ADSL rocks alltogether.
I tried to set up the two connections to do different things, like failover (ADSL priority) for WWW and only Sattelite for FTP, but the moment I change the settings under Services/Gateway the connection would not work, i.e. I cannot browse. When set on 'Use any available connection' then only the ADSL get used.

I would like to in future rotate between 3 connections and if possible, have an automatic load balancing as I serve a large number of surf-hungry users. Is this possible?
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