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connection with wingate server terminated

Mar 15 14 2:08 am


New installation of 8.1 on Windows SBS 2011.
I managed to connect only once to the engine , configured 30 days license and AD integration ,restarted server and now i keep getting "connection with wingate server terminated"
Disabled windows firewall , restarted server , reset default settings under advaces setup but no luck.


Re: connection with wingate server terminated

Mar 20 14 10:00 am


I replied also to your support ticket, but for the benefit of others with this issue (which also happens sometimes on 2k8).

the dot net port sharing service (called Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service) if running uses port 808. This prevents WinGAte from starting the Remote Control Service, and means that WinGate Management isn't connecting to WinGate - it's connecting to the dot net port sharing service instead, which of course will never work, so the connection is closed.

There are 2 options to resolve this

1. disable the net.tcp port sharing service. Most people don't need this service. It's only used if you are running multiple .NET services that use the same port number.
2. Change the port in the Remote Control Service. This requires editing the registry, since you can't get into WinGate Management to do it.

a) stop WinGate service
b) open regedit, and navigate to the following (depending on your OS)

on 32 bit windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qbik Software\WinGate\Services\Remote Control Service
on 64 bit windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\Qbik Software\WinGate\Services\Remote Control Service

Find the REG_DWORD value called PortNumber, change the value to some new value (e.g. 888)

c) start WinGate service
d) when connecting with WinGate Management on a non-standard port, you need to enter the port number in the server name e.g. localhost:888


Re: connection with wingate server terminated

May 02 20 7:38 pm

To the WinGate support team: I am a WinGate noob and I experienced the exact same issue - Default WinGate install on Win10 1909 results in "connection terminated" when starting the admin console. I strongly recommend you to resolve this, as many new users will just de-install and move on.

My use case is offshore sailing with an expensive Inmarsat satellite service, primarily required for offshore daily weather forecasts and e-mail. E. An unintended Windows or program update via InmarSat is a costly mistake. After trying out WinGate I strongly recommend it for this use case! Set up the WinGate proxy, tell Windows to use the proxy, block everything except for the bare necessities, and you're good to go! As Windows does not know any other path to the internet than via the proxy, absolutely nothing gets through other than the connections you explicitly allow. This setup is much easier than using a firewall.
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