by adrien » Jan 11 20 3:08 pm
Users / groups are stored in the rules config as a SID. This then copes with name changes on users and groups.
What should be happening is that when the rules are displayed in the list, the SID is looked up in the AD to resolve to a user or group name. Sometimes this can take a little while - if you stay logged in with WinGate Management do the names ever show up there?
If not, the search by SID may be failing for some reason, and we'd need to look at your AD connector debug logs to see what is going on - why the search is not working properly (there can be a variety of reasons).
One other question - has this ever worked, or has it always been like this?
Sometimes we find permissions set on various object attributes (AD allows you to set permissions on each attribute of each object) which can prevent some things being returned from searches.
Adrien de Croy