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Cannot Connect to localhost after fresh install, Windows 10

Sep 26 20 7:34 am

After installing Wingate 9 on Windows 10, with all firewalls and windows defender turned off, I cannot access localhost on the machine to get to the license activation prompt that normally comes up upon logging in. The error I get is "Connection with WinGate server terminated".

Any ideas how to fix this?

Re: Cannot Connect to localhost after fresh install, Windows

Sep 28 20 3:24 pm


this sometimes happens if something else is running on the port that WinGate uses for remote control. By default this is port 808.

The service that usually is the offender is the dot net TCP port sharing service. This is very infrequently needed (used by dot net services to share a port). So you can usually turn it off without causing any problem.


Adrien de Croy

Re: Cannot Connect to localhost after fresh install, Windows

Dec 31 20 10:31 am

Hello Adrien,

after a longer time, i tried again to install wingate. But i received the same error as cdella.
Then i followed your suggestion.

The NetTcp PortSharing is deactivated.
But if i look in the Windows defender firewall (you cannot turn it off permanently in Windows 10) i find in the incoming and outgoing rules for Wingate following entries:

any local address
any remote address
all protocols
any local port
any remote port

for all other entries also "any"

In netstat -a (command line) i found the entry:

TCP Master:0 listening

Re: Cannot Connect to localhost after fresh install, Windows

Jan 06 21 11:35 am


if you use netstat from the commandline with a -p switch you can get the process ID for the thing that is listening on port 808. Then using task manager you can see which process this is. If it's not WinGate.exe then you have 2 options.

OPTION 1. Stop the service if you don't need it.
OPTION 2. Change the port number that WinGate uses for Remote Control.

If you elect to change the port, unfortunately you have to do this in the registry if you cannot connect with the WinGate Management tool (as in your case).

The steps are:
1. Stop WinGate service
2. In Regedit, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qbik Software\WinGate\Services\Remote Control Service\
3. Edit the value for "PortNumber". Change it to whichever port you need.
4. Start WinGate service
5. Change the destination in WinGate Management as per below.

You need to alter the port that WinGate Management will try to connect on.

For example if you changed the port to 888 then in the connection in WinGate Management you would connect to localhost:888 so you use a colon to separate the hostname / IP from the port number.


Adrien de Croy
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