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Setting up multiple proxies

Oct 18 20 12:41 am

Hello, I am trying to set up 4G proxy server.

What I want to achieve:
-1 PC with windows 10
-3 Huawei E3372H USB 4g/LTE modems connected via USB hub
-1 router wired to PC
-Wingate that will route incoming connections (based on port) through one of the modems, so it will work basically as proxy server

What I have done so far:
-I set up all the device as I described
-I set up IPs for 4G modems (and they are working)
n01.png (15.34 KiB) Viewed 5905 times

What is the problem:
-I created proxy services in Wingate
-I tried to set them up in in several different ways
-But when I connect to those proxies from different computer, all the proxies connect via the same 4G modem

-This is how the modems show in my Wingate:
n02.png (13.66 KiB) Viewed 5905 times

-Even when I set different ethernet for each proxy, they all still connect only via one modem

-One time, I accidentally connected my cable internet to the PC and then suddenly, all the proxies were connecting via correct modems. But when I plugged and unplugged the hub, they all went to the state where all the proxies were using one connection.

-I think the problem might be that in Windows, they all seem to be on the same network
n01.png (15.34 KiB) Viewed 5905 times

Can anyone help me? I just need the Wingate to connect each proxy via its modem and to persist even through plugging and unplugging or modem reset.
n00.png (139.65 KiB) Viewed 5905 times
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