NAT do not give acces to internet

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NAT do not give acces to internet

Postby Amarantch » Oct 04 21 3:56 am


Since some time Wingate stopped spreading internet access to clients. Only direct proxy setup give connection, but it is not a solution, because it do not cover android devices for example.
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Re: NAT do not give acces to internet

Postby adrien » Oct 05 21 5:09 pm


What OS are you running on? Did anything on the WinGate server change?

For NAT to work, the clients must use the WinGate computer as their default gateway. How do you assign IP configuration to the clients? Do you use DHCP for that?

Is the WinGate Network Driver showing installed on your network adapters?


Adrien de Croy
Qbik Staff
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