Our company runs win10 clients and windows server 2016 domain controller;
and wingate9 is using Active Directory Connector mode.
Users will get blocked by domain controller in a short time after they changed their password.
By my research (which is not for sure), it's because sccm client accesses the proxy with old authentication in the backgroud -> NTLM authentication failure for 3 times -> get blocked.
You MUST restart computer soon after you changed password to avoid this issue.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
There is one more thing,I found this option in help munual:
Users and Groups -> Tasks menu, or alternatively right click in the Users and Groups panel and select Settings.->
[Allow second chance authentication ...]
I thought I might turn it off to prevent id get locked,
BUT there is no [Settings] menu below the tasks. I checked the pemission, my account has full control.