Beaglebone through Wingate

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Beaglebone through Wingate

Postby BuffaloFan32 » Nov 12 14 9:01 am

I have a laptop that is connected wirelessly to the internet. The laptop is running windows Vista. I have connected it to my beaglebone black through a USB port. Beaglebone's are tiny computers that run Linux. I can ping my laptop from the beaglebone but when I ping I get the following message:

--- ping statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8008ms

I was told that the problem is that my laptop is not sharing its internet connection with the beaglebone so I installed Wingate VPN. I cannot figure out which button to push to make this work. I am a bit of a novice when it comes to networking so any help you can provide is much appreciated.
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Joined: Nov 12 14 8:31 am

Re: Beaglebone through Wingate

Postby adrien » Nov 12 14 2:47 pm


WinGate VPN is not an internet sharing product, WinGate is though.

Does this mean you installed WinGate and activated a trial for WinGate VPN, or did you activate a trial for WinGate?

Sorry, it's a little confusing. The software and download are the same for WinGate and WinGate VPN, it's just which type of key you get that determines the features etc.


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Re: Beaglebone through Wingate

Postby BuffaloFan32 » Nov 14 14 9:02 am

Hello Adrien,
Thanks, for the clarification. I uninstalled the VPN and reinstalled Wingate to make sure I am now using the correct license/version. I have been playing with it but I am still not sure how to make it work. Do you have a guide or suggestion on where to start? Again, I am a bit of a novice when it comes to networking.
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Re: Beaglebone through Wingate

Postby BuffaloFan32 » Nov 14 14 4:56 pm

I am not sure what happened but it is working now. I am able to ping Thanks!
Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 12 14 8:31 am

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