Remote pc's not accessable?

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Remote pc's not accessable?

Postby trebor » Feb 14 04 3:52 am

Help!! We have three branches all connected via wingate 5.2.2 & wingate VPN 1.2.2

Head office wingate with vpn server licence pc, win2kpro PIII 600, 256mb ram, ADSL 2048 connection 25 pc's on local network. mainly win98se
1st Remote Branch wingate with vpn gateway licence pc, win2kpro PIII 500, 256mb ram, ADSL 512 connection 12 pc's on local network. mainly win98se
2st Remote Branch wingate with vpn gateway licence pc, win2kpro PIII 500, 256mb ram, ADSL 512 connection 12 pc's on local network. mainly win98se

Our problem is this, we can create the VPN with no problem i.e all three wingate pc's are connected and the tunnels are up and running. When
we look at the remotely accessable networks we can see the other workgroups/branches but we can only see a few of the pc's and these are
our win2k pc's and couple of 98 pc's i.e next to them its says (computer name) followed by (not accessable).
We have been looking at the other suggestions that have been posted i.e using ripclient provided by wingates web site, and looking into the lmhosts.sam file.
Also on the wingate pc's we have looked at the services with in administrative tools.This shows us the backgroud services,
are there any services in there that might need starting that are curently stopped i.e there is one that is named:-( Routing and remote access).
this was set to manual and stopped.
can any body help!!!

Thanks Andi[/size][/size]
Posts: 14
Joined: Feb 13 04 3:17 am

Postby adrien » Feb 14 04 11:00 am


Machines on a subnet of a VPN will only be accessible if they are configured to either

a) use their local WinGate VPN machine as their default gateway
b) use their local WinGate VPN machine as the gateway for the other known subnets on their VPN (this requires manual route configuration or installation of a RIP client).

or alternatively if the machine that is the default gateway for the network has a built-in RIP client (most routers/DSL-NAT modems actually do) then if you turn this on, it will forward VPN packets back through the VPN gateway.

The lmhosts file only bypasses the need for a name lookup when you try and connect to a machine by name, if the name lookup was failing, it will probably be because the machine was inaccessible, so setting an entry in the lmhosts file will save the lookup, but the machine will still be inaccessible.

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