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May 24 06 8:37 am

When I launch Wingate VPN as a normal user I cannot see anything in the Local Network or Remote Network side, just the far left sections (VPNs Hosted, VPNs to join, etc).

Only when the user is part of the administrators group does the right side become available.

I don't understand this as the clients should not be a part of the administrators group.

On the actual Wingate server, I sync with Active Directory for my users and groups. I have included the appropriate users in the Wingate VPN policies on the that machine who are allowed to use the VPN.

How are the clients supposed to be able to shut down at night and relaunch in the morning if they have to log in as an administrator to view the connections and connect? I shouldn't need to add any users to the Wingate database if I am syncing with AD on the server, even if the users are remote. Right?

May 24 06 11:19 am

Just checking - I believe this might be related to the policy setup; I'll let you know as soon as I get an answer back.

May 24 06 12:21 pm

Okay, this is an interesting one. The VPN activity pane is considered to fall under the "Monitor Activity" policies for controlling access to it. By default, the Administrator right has access to this portion thereof.

Unfortunately, in the VPN GUI the system policies are not displayed (As they are essentially meaningless in context) but this has highlighted this problem. That's a bug that will need fixing, something will be available in our next release.

In the meantime, it is possible to work around it in one of two ways. The first is the easiest.

1. Activating a WinGate License:
* Activate a WinGate trial license which should give you access to the full UI.
* Make the changes to the default system policy to allow access to the users / groups as required
* Deactivate the WinGate trial license

2. Registry editing
* The same principle, but by directly editing the registry to add the policy. If you contact me via email I can detail the key for you, but this is slightly more complex than using the temp license option.
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