query NNTP strings

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query NNTP strings

Postby wisenetcat » Sep 18 19 2:58 am

Hi, I have a log from a newsgroup NNTP header from a newsgroup message
containing 3 string/numbers which I would like to further investigate

Xref: news.newsserver.net newsgroupname:<NUMBER>
Message-ID: <STRING>@subnewsserver.newsserver.net

is there a tool/script/program to query remote NNTP server
subnewsserver.newsserver.net / newsserver.net with those <NUMBER>/<STRING>
that would return more info ?

in order to abride "Disallowed and unacceptable posts." rules I'v replaced
<NUMBER> replacing a 5 digit decimal number regex: /[0-9]{5}/
<STRING> replacing a 13 character string regex: /[a-z0-9\$]{13}/
newsserver replacing news server name
subnewsserver replacing sub news server name
newsgroupname replacing news group name name

thank's in advance :)
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