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Wingate VPN with Mail Server

Sep 19 06 8:34 am

Hello all,

I am interesting to buy Wingate Vpn program..I have mail server in my company and i am wondering if i can take my email when i am at home with this program...further more i have wingate proxy and if i buy Wingate VPN can i install it in the same computer which has wingate proxy ? thanks a lot for your time :)

Sep 19 06 4:22 pm


WinGate and winGate VPN use the same executables, so if you buy a VPN license, you can simply add it to your WinGate installation and you will have VPN as well.

As for accessing mail, you can certainly access mail across a VPN, but depending on your mail setup performance can vary. What sort of mail system are you using in your Company? Do you use POP3, or IMAP, or exchange server or something else?



Sep 19 06 11:27 pm

Actually i am using ms-exchange server..Do you know what can i do for take my emails at home ? Is Wingate VPN has anything to do with the mail or not...and something else with VPN program i will have access from my home to the files which are in my office ?
Thanks ...

Sep 19 06 11:53 pm


THe VPN makes it like you are on the same LAN, basically you can ping machines on the LAN, IP packets can go back and forth.

So anything that will run over IP (commonly mislabelled TCP/IP) will run over the VPN.

Access to files etc will work. Performance can be an issue however for applications that make extensive use of file reading and writing accross the VPN, as the link is slower... it's kinda like a really slow LAN.


Sep 20 06 12:10 am

And for the emails you believe that it will be work to take my emails from my home ? will i have security for my email via this programm or not ?

Sep 20 06 3:38 pm

VPN provides security for traffic by encrypting it whilst it is going across the internet.

File security is another matter, and WinGate VPN does not provide that. VPN traffic containg files is encrypted when in transit across the VPN, but since it's windows networking that moves the files, the files won't be stored encrypted on disk unless you run some disk encryption software.

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