browsing slow after adding kaspersky and puresight.

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browsing slow after adding kaspersky and puresight.

Postby josh84 » Nov 21 11 12:02 am


After installing KASPERSKY and PURESIGHT trial license the browsing becomes very slow and most of the time shows host not found from response from the proxy server. But when disabling the puresight i can browse but it is very slow.

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Re: browsing slow after adding kaspersky and puresight.

Postby labull » Nov 21 11 5:12 am

You've possibly posted this before but what are the specs for the computer WinGate is running on?
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Re: browsing slow after adding kaspersky and puresight.

Postby adrien » Nov 21 11 10:17 am

Kaspersky needs to do several things in order to scan for viruses.

1. Spool the whole file first
2. Chew a lot of CPU scanning for over 5,000,000 signatures.

If you have a lot of users, or your WinGate computer is slow, you may have CPU capacity issues. You can tell if this is happening looking at task manager and CPU usage on that machine.

There are several ways to improve things.

a) exclude certain types of file from scanning. E.g. we normally exclude image/*, video/* and audio/* from scanning. this cuts down the number of requests that will be scanned, and therefore makes more CPU available for other things that do require scanning.
b) exclude certain trusted sites from scanning.

otherwise depending on your WinGate computer, you may need to upgrade to a faster one.


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Re: browsing slow after adding kaspersky and puresight.

Postby adrien » Nov 21 11 10:18 am

p.s. which versions (build number - can see in the modules pane) of WinGate, PureSight and Kaspersky are you running? I wouldn't normally expect getting host not found, but if the CPU load is too great, it can prevent the DNS client from having enough CPU to do its job and DNS requests can start timing out.


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