confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Forum for support for the PureSight for WinGate content filtering plugin

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confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Postby tecxx » May 10 12 2:10 am

Dear Support,

we are testing wingate 7 with puresight 7 as a replacement for TMG 2010 in smaller branch offices.

on a test machine we have installed
after installation we selected "professional" as a trial license option, and installed both available updates of wingate and puresight.

we now want to create a block filter to block sex sites and social media sites, e.g. facebook and twitter. the block rule therefore contains the puresight categories "sex" and "social networking". while sex sites are blocked correctly, none of the social media sites are.

apart from this fact, we are confused by some other things:
- a configuration menu to edit the classification categories is nowhere to be found, double or right clicking on the categories does nothing. how can we modify the categories?
- a lookup menu/system, to see in what category "" would fall in, is nowhere to be found. does something like this exist? how do we test what category a site belongs to?
- contrary to what we found on this forum, the menu controlpanel-permissions-puresight is not expandable like a treeview, it's a single object that can not be utilized expect setting permissions. is this by design?

thanks in advance for any advice.
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Re: confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Postby adrien » May 10 12 10:23 am


Due to the way categories work (and are used by other systems in WinGate), they can't be edited once they are created. However you can delete them (if they aren't being used) and add new ones. I guess we could allow editing of the description, but the name is used internally to refer to categories, and the hierarchical nature of them makes it very involved to change.

Right-clicking in the window should give you the options to add. For deletion, in use means not used nor provided by anything. This means for instance you can't delete the PureSight categories. However any categories you create, and use manual classifier rules on can be managed by you.

As for the social media category, we haven't had good results from PureSight on that category unfortunately. In fact we're working on an alternative to PureSight which performs better in this regard.

In the meantime, you'd need to manually classify sites as social networking. This is far from ideal I know sorry.


Adrien de Croy
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Re: confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Postby adrien » May 10 12 10:28 am


tecxx wrote:- a lookup menu/system, to see in what category "" would fall in, is nowhere to be found. does something like this exist? how do we test what category a site belongs to?

OK that's a good idea. In the meantime, you can log category and classifier to the usage logs. That will tell you the classification results independently of blocking or allowing. You can also see this in timeline if you hover on a block of activity.

To log extra fields, double-click on the logger for WWW proxy server usage logging, select format, and scroll down, you should see the additional fields you can log.

tecxx wrote:- contrary to what we found on this forum, the menu controlpanel-permissions-puresight is not expandable like a treeview, it's a single object that can not be utilized expect setting permissions. is this by design?

We changed the way this works when we added the classification subsystem and web access control system. Prior to this (early betas) PureSight itself did the blocking. Now it only classifies, and the web access control system does the blocking based on the classification. This allowed us to separate a lot of functionality out of PureSight (like manual rules) and put them in WinGate itself (for people who aren't using PureSight) and also gives us a system we can expand with additional / alternative classifiers.

So now to do per user control of categories, you use Web Access Control rules.
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Re: confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Postby adrien » May 10 12 12:09 pm


we just found a bug that was masking social networking result from PureSight....

So we'll release a fix soon.

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Re: confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Postby tecxx » May 25 12 11:03 pm

Hello Adrien,
thanks for the informative reply. is the fix that you mentioned already released?
facebook and twitter still remain unblocked on our (updated) test machine :)
thanks and br
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Re: confusion about puresight 7 functionality

Postby adrien » May 26 12 12:04 am

I can send you a link, just email, and I'll post you a link, we haven't released it yet.

Qbik Staff
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