Forum for support for the PureSight for WinGate content filtering plugin
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All sites banned except someone

Nov 30 04 10:05 pm

I wish Puresight to close all sites except a list of predefined sites. How can I do it? I tried to add "." in the ban list and all the sites I want let to visit in the allow list, but it seems not to work.

Dec 01 04 8:23 am

Your easiest option might be to do this in the actual policy setup of the WWW Proxy Service.


Dec 03 04 6:22 am

I've enabled user "Guest" in the plug-in. Any other things to do?

Dec 03 04 8:17 am

Okay. For the plugin to work the following conditions must be true:

1. The plugin must be licensed
2. The plugin must be enabled in the appropriate service (Usually WWW Proxy Service)
3. The users you want to filter must be enabled in the plugin configuration
4. Traffic must be going through the appropriate services

Once all of that is done, however - you can spare yourself a fair bit of overhead and headache by doing more complicated filtering (Such as only allowing a small list of sites) in the actual proxy itself, using the advanced Filter and Criterion setup.

Dec 03 04 8:34 pm

1. The plugin is licensed
2. The plugin is enabled in the WWW Proxy Service (port 80)
3. User 'Everyone' is enabled in the plugin
4. Clients browser points out to port 80 of the server

I tried to block all sites enabling a criterion for all users accessing the service (all URL that contains '.') but it still doesn't work.
I wonder why Gatefilter worked with such a configuration, and Puresight does not. What is changed?

Dec 07 04 11:11 pm

Hi Victor,

Both should work exactly like that. Have you tried the option of using the proxy advanced criteria, however?
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