Binding to source IP

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Binding to source IP

Postby turbobuckeye » May 24 17 9:12 am

We are evaluating rolling WinGate out to a series of servers; each has many (public) IP addresses. Each IP has the same gateway. We need to create X proxy servers (one for each public IP). Each proxy server must originate traffic that goes out to the internet on the IP its bound on. So, if we create a proxy on, we need clients which connect to to have their outbound traffic originate from Traffic is all standard https requests.

We have attempted to setup two bindings in WinGate for two public IP addresses in both the WWW Proxy Server and WWW Proxy Service (it's unclear to us exactly what the difference between these two services is). However, when a client connected to each IP visits a site such as, the IP address of the proxy they're connecting to is not used. Instead, it's another IP on the server in question.

Is this the correct way to achieve the behavior we're seeking out?

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Re: Binding to source IP

Postby adrien » May 24 17 10:45 am


Service bindings are for specifying which interface a client will connect to in order to access the service.

If you want a service to use a particular source IP address when making an outbound connection on behalf of a client, use the gateways tab in the proxy to specify a source IP to bind to.

You can also I believe use flow-chart policy for this. You can write to the value of Session.Interface inside an event (e.g. connect a policy to WWW proxy: Request) - this is the IP that the proxy will bind to for upstream connections. This could be easier than creating a huge number of proxies to set each gateway to.


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