Forum for support for the Kaspersky AntiVirus for WinGate plugin
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Stop the bounce message

Apr 16 04 1:01 am

Is there a method to stop KAV sending 'you sent a virus' type
messages. There is just no need these days given the amount of
spoofing around, it simply compounds the problem.


Apr 16 04 6:32 pm

Hi Mark,

That is determined by the setting on the Mail Server. If you go to the Scanning Tab on the Email Server, you can untick "Inform Sender".

Apr 16 04 8:21 pm

Hi Pascal,

Thanks for the reply.
We use a third party mail server hosted behind Wingate, all POP & SMTP
traffic is via proxies.

Does your response still stand, or in our situatuin would a bounce message not be sent?


Apr 19 04 11:59 am

The plugin itself cannot send a bounce message. It has no access to any email functionality. The best it can do is return a message to whatever called it to indicate the reason for it rejecting the data stream.

I'd have to check your setup in detail, but try it with those flags off.
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